The youth spent time learning what it’s like to be homeless. They researched, talked about it, and, even better, devised a way to make a difference. They came up with the idea of “blessing bags.” They worked hard for a few months, collecting items they could use to make up these bags. They included shampoo, conditioner, soap, combs, socks, lotion, hand sanitizer, and gloves. They raised over $1,000 to donate to The Landing in Rochester. After they had collected the items, the youth came to the church prepared to spend the night in their homemade box shelters. The next day, they went to The Landing with food to prepare for lunch. While there, the youth were given a facility tour and asked questions.
At Little Prairie U.M.C., missions are at the heart of what we do. We are currently in the planning stages of our next mission trip. This year, we would like to extend the invitation to the entire congregation and make it a multigenerational experience. More details to follow. If you want to be part of the planning committee, see Pastor Penny or Theresa Siemers for information on how to get involved.